Justin Orwin Photographer - Associate of the Royal Photographic Society
Contact : 07980 946465
e : justinorwin@me.com
After many years in agriculture I ventured into photography once I had attained my Associateship of The Royal Photographic Society. I worked as a Wedding Photographer for 15 years working in a very succesful partnership and shooting like crazy with Nikons and Medium Format in the days of film. It was exciting and the clients were always fun and very sociable.
I’m now telling stories of a different kind - everyday life. I still shoot film but also have mastered the art of the digital world of photography. Each has it’s place.
I love what people get up to and the more creatiove and unexpectec the more I enjoy the encounter.
Being in Somerset the rural life is never far away so now my photography drifts back to what I once knew so well but with different eyes.
I like my pictures to be quirky as well as interesting. It doesn’t always happen that way but if I get one of the two into the picture then I feel I have succeeded.
If you would like to commission me then please do get in touch by phone or e mail. I’m constantly travelling so distance is never a problem and cost is always about the job to be done.